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PhotoVogue Festival 2022 : Italian Panorama


Italian Panorama features 25 artists from PhotoVogue’s first Local Open Call. They were selected by a Jury composed of Condé Nast staff from Italy and visual experts from the broader Italian visual community coming from as many different backgrounds as possible in order to guarantee an all-embracing, multifaceted perspective.

PhotoVogue’s first Local Open Call, Italian Panorama, is dedicated to Italy as an homage to PhotoVogue’s origins. The call was open to all genres (from fashion to documentary, art, and reportage) and artists expressing themselves in every medium, from photography to video, illustration, 3D art, or any combination of these disciplines. The exhibition reflects Italy’s multicultural and diverse nature, something too often neglected and underrecognized.

Alessandra Leta | Alex Zoboli | Alexa Sonsino | Alia Romagnoli | Andrea Baioni | Carlo Lombardi | Carmine Romano | Cinzia Laliscia | Claudia Amatruda | Eleonora Strano | Emanuele Occhipinti | Federica Sasso | Filippo Barbero | Francesco Anselmi | Gabriele Galimberti | GianMarco Porru | Karim El Maktafi | Lucrezia Testa Iannilli | Ludovica Anzaldi | Martina Zanin | Marzio Emilio Villa | Matteo Buonomo | Pierfrancesco Celada | Sara Nicomedi | Sara Perovic

 “The entire Vogue Italia team and I are so proud of the meaningful relevance that PhotoVogue keeps gaining in our country and across all territories. We can’t wait to celebrate a new local generation of Italian image-makers and, most importantly, we look forward to showing and amplifying their talent and visions to Vogue’s global audience .” Francesca Ragazzi – Head of Editorial Content – Vogue Italia


Director – Head of Global PhotoVogue Alessia Glaviano
Curators – Alessia Glaviano and Francesca Marani

PhotoVogue Festival 2022
November 17-20, 2022
Exhibitions at BASE Milano – Via Bergognone, 34, Milan

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