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PhotoSC : Nancy Richards Farese : add|mix|fold


PhotoSC presents until September 21 the exhibition add|mix|fold by Nancy Richards Farese. She writes :

This work is about memory and the stories we tell ourselves, using hand-embroidered and collaged photographs to create a visual memoir of growing up in the American South in the 60s. I am interested in how the past plays into the present, and I am turning to art to reexamine the structures of segregation, feminine identity, and relationship to place and home from my childhood. I am complicating the image to insist on a more comprehensive look into a complicated past, understanding that both memory and photography are imperfect versions of the truth.

The title add|mix|fold comes from a family pound cake recipe, a rich metaphor for how the past is mixed and folded into the stories we tell ourselves.  Continuing the metaphor, this work ‘sifts’ through the historical legacy I inherited, helping to discern what to hold onto, and what to let go. The work is intentionally tactile and handcrafted, undeniably human, and pushing back on the digital, ephemeral nature of how we record stories today. -Nancy Richards Farese


Nancy Richards Farese : add|mix|fold
August 23-September 21, 2024
PhotoSC, Columbia, South Carolina

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