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PhotoPhnomPenh 2011 –Charlie Jouvet


In square format, with blurred, faded and dark colors, in spaces without characters, restoring an atmosphere strongly marked by history, this series, situated in Central Europe, returns to places that were at the heart of the tragedy of the Second World War. Marks in the snow, walls peeling and cold, a resigned nature, extinguished lights: Geheimnisträger, “The bearer of secrets” evoked by Primo Levi, are a researching of the past with no will toward demonstration. A disquieting form, a search for the past that does not even seem visible, but brushes against it everywhere. In the installation The Tributaries, characters appear in the dark, projected, and then are slowly erased to cede their place to others in this recollection and commemoration.

Born in 1973 in France. Lives and works in Germany. Practicing photography for 15 years, he graduated from NPHS in 1997. Since he worked in the fields of graphics, image editing and teaching.

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