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PhotoPhnomPenh 2011 –Alexander Gronski


A predilection for white, as if the landscape were a revealing screen, on which marks, colored or minimalist, inscribe themselves. They love space, give it rhythm, surprise or invite contemplation. This modality, brought about by a judgment always accurate and precise from the position from which the photographer’s point of view allows him to grasp, suddenly, a dog that emerges from nowhere, to linger on twigs that poke through a cotton-like layer, or to amuse himself with small colored points that turn into children pulling a sled. In this way of constructing a space by being constantly attentive to the background (including the periphery of Moscow or the severe architecture that exists in opposition to nature) a way of letter the surfaces – and our gaze – breathe, which makes a break from formalist approaches, so frequent today, in the photographic landscape.

Born in 1980 in Tallinn, Estonia. Lives and works in Riga, Latvia. In 2003 he joined the agency. He has published in numerous magazines including “Esquire Russia,” “Newsweek,” “Geo,” and “Monde2.” He is the recipient of several prizes, including Aperture Portfolio 2009, and he was selected by “Foam Magazine” and was also a finalist for the Ian Parry Award in 2004.

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