Dewi Lewis is publishing the new book of Nigel Grierson : Photographs. It is intended as an introduction or overview of Grierson’s work, spanning many years and many different projects. However, it avoids the rigours of chronology, chapter headings, or any other form of categorisation, in favour of a stream of consciousness that finds it’s own visual connections between the various disparate elements, thus creating something new. For Grierson, the visual world has it’s own rhythms and it’s own language, more profound than the spoken word: ‘Wether my images are decisive moments or studied reflections, I’m always primarily interested in the medium and how different the world looks when photographed. It’s this sense of discovery within the work which fuels my inspiration/imagination, and which I hope will provoke a similar response within the viewer. Even my early street photographs were not so much about what was actually happening, but about a new reality that exists only within the photograph; It’s the lack of information within the fragment, divorced of it’s original context of time and space, that gives greater scope for the imagination and sub conscious to take over’. Some of his more constructed images in particular, owe as much to the spatial surrealism of Beckett and Kafka, and the investigation of surface by Tapies, as they do to other practitioners of photography.
by Nigel Grierson
Dewi Lewis Publisher
152 pages, 79 colour plates
295mm x 234mm
ISBN: 978-1-907893-64-3