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Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre : Photo Month of the 14th : Call for applications


After the success experienced both by the public and the photographers with the new format of the Photo Month of the 14th organized in March 2022 by the Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre, the Town Hall of the 14th wishes to repeat the operation in March 2024. The objectives remain to put photography at the heart of the district, in particular through numerous outdoor exhibitions, visible and accessible to all, to create a network thru the territory of the 14th and to promote the professional and amateur photographers of the district . Madame Carine Petit, Mayor, and Madame Julie Cabot, Deputy Mayor of the 14th arrondissement in charge of Culture and Gender Equality, once again asked our Club, established for 60 years in the neighborhood, to prepare and coordinate the operation.

The project consists of presenting large-scale individual or collective photographic exhibitions in the streets of the 14th as well as indoor exhibitions during the month of March 2024. The places involved will include outdoor squares, the Ferdinand Brunot, Giacometti and Yves Klein squares, and the gates of the Élisabeth stadium… Large printed tarpaulins will be deployed there throughout the month of March. For indoor exhibitions, sites such as the Montparnasse gallery, the Broussais House of Amateur Artistic Practices, residences at the Cité Internationale universitaire, etc. were selected. The exhibitions will last approximately one month, the formats will be free, subject to being adapted to the technical constraints of the premises.

The theme of street photography remains the common thread of the event, because it is the reflection and the memory of urban life, of the spectacle that is the street, of exchanges, encounters, solitudes, moments of grace, humor or poetry that coexist there, because it puts humans at the heart of the photographers’ practice through their presence or their traces.

We invite you to respond to a call for applications to be part of this program. It is aimed at professional and amateur photographers in the 14th arrondissement, aged 18 and over, whether they live there, study there, work there or are members of a district association. It includes two components: individual exhibition proposal for professional and amateur photographers or participation in one or more group exhibitions for amateur photographers only. For the latter, two themes are offered to you: “The city, at night” and “Sparkle of red”, still in street photography.

Submissions are open from now until January 7, 2024. You will find all the useful details in the attached call for applications form to complete and return to [email protected]. A jury made up of representatives from the Town Hall of the 14th arrondissement, the Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre and invited photographers will select the files and assign the exhibition sites to each of the selected projects. The jury will judge the photographs received based on respect for the theme of street photography, or for group exhibitions in the categories “The city, the night” and “Sparkle of red”, the aesthetic and technical qualities of the images, their originality , their coherence and the complementarity of the projects. The jury will meet in mid-January. You will be informed of the decisions no later than January 22.

The exterior exhibitions will be produced by the Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre, a contribution for the interior exhibitions can be made if necessary, within the limit of a fixed price of 150 euros for an individual exhibition. Loans of frames will also be possible within the limits of stocks at Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre. Showing rights are provided for professional photographers, up to 1000 euros. Photographers will be invited to participate in the hanging of their works and to discuss their creations with the public during guided visits or specific meetings.

The Photo Month of the 14th will be the subject of communication by the Town Hall of the 14th in the 14th events booklet of March-April, on the municipal website, in its newsletters and on social networks as well as by the Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre with programs and posters, on its site, social networks and directed to specialized media.

We look forward to discovering your images and of highlighting with you, photography in the streets and emblematic places of the 14th. You have questions ? Do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: [email protected]

Agnes Vergnes
President of the Photoclub
Paris Val-de-Bièvre


Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre
28 ter rue Gassendi
75014 Paris
[email protected]

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