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Photo London 2023 : Shtager & Shch : Gunter Sachs


This is the most surprising exhibition of this Photo London 2023: Gunter Sachs at the Shtager & Shch Gallery. This is how the gallery presents Sachs:

“During his lifetime, Sachs’ reputation as visionary artist, pioneering gallerist and influential collector were in part overshadowed by his celebrity status and jet-setting lifestyle. Amongst many achievements, Sachs presented Andy Warhol’s first large scale exhibition in Europe and commissioned Roy Lichtenstein to paint a series of panels for his residence, closely linking his legacy to pop art. His private collection was equally influenced by surrealism and included works by René Magritte and Salvador Dalí.

Documenting the emerging youth and counter culture movements of the late 20th Century and working closely with fashion models and socialites, Sachs created a lasting record of the glamour and excitement of his time while simultaneously questioning societal norms.”

In fact, he was above all one of the most flamboyant and astonishing playboys from the 70s and 80s.


Shtager&Shch at Photo London 2023
11-14 May 2023
Booth G19 Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA

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