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Philadelphie Museum : –The Curator’s Choice


The Women’s Committee of The Philadelphia Museum of Art announces the Six Winners of the Photography Portfolio Competition 2012

The Women’s Committee of The Philadelphia Museum of Art announced the six winners and the Curator’s Choice print for its second biennial Photography Portfolio Competition 2012. The six selected photographs and the Curator’s Choice will be entered into the permanent collection at The Philadelphia Museum of Art.

The winners of the Photography Portfolio Competition 2012 are:
Noah Addis, Rebuilt Home #1: Lallubhai Compound, Mumbai
George Awde, Untitled #13: Beirut, 2011
Hiroyo Kaneko, Harvest #20
Isadora Kosofsky, Untitled
Nadia Sablin, Lucia Resting
Shen Wei, Untitled Selfportrait (Bubble), 2011

Irina Rozovsky was selected as the Curator’s Choice for her image Untitled (from In Plain Air, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, 2011), by juror Peter Barberie. The Curator’s Choice print will be produced for individual sale in a limited edition of forty at $500 each.

With over 500 applicants from the U.S. and 14 countries, the competition was open to emerging and established photographers aged 18 years and older. A jury comprised of three esteemed professionals in the field of photography selected six single photographs from the pool of international applications. The jury included Vince Aletti, photography critic at The New Yorker, Peter Barberie, The Brodsky Curator of Photographs, Alfred Stieglitz Center, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Andrea Modica, renowned photographer and photography professor at Drexel University whose work is part of the permanent collection at The Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, among others.

“The Women’s Committee has a long tradition of supporting the Museum and the arts community of Philadelphia,” said Eve Walker, the 2012 Photography Portfolio Competition Co‐chair. “By hosting this competition, we have a distinct role in recognizing the extraordinary work of international artists, and further establishing Philadelphia as a destination within the cultural landscape.”

The images for the twenty‐five limited edition boxed‐sets will be generously produced by Silicon Gallery of Philadelphia. Silicon Gallery Fine Art Prints is Philadelphia’s leading digital print studio for artists and photographers, and dedicated to the unique collaboration between artist and printmaker. As an original sponsor of the Photography Portfolio Competition, Silicon Gallery will be donating their services for the limited edition portfolios and limited edition Curator’s Choice print.

The twenty‐five boxed‐sets will be on sale for $3,600 each through The Women’s Committee of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The Curator’s Choice prints will be on sale for $500 each. For more information on how to purchase these limited editions, please visit:

Each of the six artists selected for inclusion in the portfolio will be awarded $1,000 and will receive five percent of all proceeds from the sale of the portfolios. The artist selected for the Curator’s Choice award will receive $500 and a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of
the limited edition print.

The Women’s Committee of the Philadelphia Museum of Art – Six Winners of the Photography Portfolio Competition 2012
From October 11th to November 9th, 2012
The Philadelphia Museum of Art
Perelman Building, 2525 Pennsylvania Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19130 – USA

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