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Pentti Sammallahti, Here Far Away


Presented for the first time in 2012 during the Rencontres d’Arles, Pentti Sammallahti’s Here Far Away [originally Ici au loin] is currently being exhibited first at the Mostra of the city of Givors, then it will be in Stimultania  in Strasbourg.

Here Far Away is a retrospective covering over forty years of photographic work in almost as many countries,” writes the author Finn Thrane in the preface of the eponymous book published in 2012 by Editions Actes Sud. “ In spite of that, the discreet title chosen by Pentti Sammallahti goes back to the paradox that wants a photograph to always represent a here-and-now: the meeting, on the picture rails of an exhibition or in the pages of a book, between an artist and a viewer, a meeting obviously subject to the law of impermanence, but that always reflects their mutual capacity to establish a dialogue, to project the past, captured by the image, in the viewer’s present and future.”

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