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Paris Photo : Augusta Edwards Fine Art : Todd Webb


This was one of our favorites from the last Paris Photo. Todd Webb presented by the Augusta Edwards Fine Art of London. Here it is with the text that accompanied it:

During the mid 1940’s, Todd Webb produced a body of work where he used his 5×7 camera to carefully photograph the humble numbers that adorned the doorways of buildings and homes in New York, New Jersey, and the streets of London. Though it is a straightforward concept, “The Number Series” is a beautiful ode to the typography and architecture of his day. These are not the mass-produced digits sold by big box hardware stores that we are so accustomed to seeing — each one is unique and often reveals the hand of the painter or craftsmen. It is amazing how this seemingly simple observation by Webb can cause one to wax poetic about the loss of these little artistic flourishes that most probably took for granted. Yes, it is only a small loss perhaps, but it begs the question: how many other everyday visual delights no longer grace our hungry eyes?


Augusta Edwards Fine Art
4 Cromwell Place
London, SW7 2JE

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