Christiane Feser (1977, Würzburg, Germany) works at the interstice of photography and object. The presented works consists of repetitive, polydimensional geometric structures. The detailed and clear-cut constructions require up to five steps to fabricate: the artist builds paper models and photographs these, sculpts and folds the photographs, and photographs the structures again. The elaborate method of production is not immediately obvious in the multi-layered results, which share formal qualities with works by El Lissitzky and Mondrian. They evoke architectonic spaces, play with light, shadow – and the viewer’s sense of what is real and what is illusion. Her photographs contain multiple sujets, overlayered and intertwined what can be seen only exists in the work itself. Thus, the artist creates a labyrinth of space and time.
Paris Photo 2015
November 12th-15th, 2015
Grand Palais