This is Japanese artist Emi Anrakuji’s first exhibition in France. Two of her series – “1800 Millimètres” and “Ipy” – are on show at In Camera galerie until the 31st of October 2015.
“1800 Millimètres” 2014 is her latest series. “These self-portraits are not erotic, 1800 Millimètre is the exact size of my bed. This work has its origin in my hospital bed, where after a long period of time, I gradually started to see microcosmos in my field of visibility. I could see the lace on the pillow, the stains on the sheets so I photographed them. That moment was crucial, the moment where the camera became my eye, and a member of my body.” Without any other subject to focus on, she became her own muse. “I was alone. All the time. Everywhere. I am the only subject in all of my work, but although I am present in all the photographs, I never reveal my face in the shots,” she says, though never really explaining why she made that choice.
In her earlier series “IPY”, photographed in 2006 and 2007, Anrakuji represents herself as an alchemist and creator of images, a catalyst of dreams and desires. She chooses to study Japanese woman in a male-dominated society and creates a fascinating photographic labyrinth where the images of her naked body intermingle with all kinds of everyday object.
Since 2001, her work has been shown several times in Japan, Korea, Great Britain and the United States and featured in numerous publications.
Emi Anrakuji
From September 17 to October 31, 2015
in camera galerie
21 rue Las Cases
75007 Paris