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NOOR : Visualising the Climate Crisis


NOOR presents a new chapter of Visualising the Climate Crisis, a visual storytelling mentoring programme bringing forth a plurality of climate stories across continents. They introduce this new chapter as follow:

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. A delicate balance has been tipped over, unleashing a series of chain consequences the scale of which we are yet to grasp. As we witness the intensification of the crisis, we must come to terms with the fact that the complexity of the matter underscores a very simple fact: change is the only way forward. Acceptance, adaptation, and mitigation are our only chances to thrive in an uncertain future.

We believe that images hold immense power, capable of creating an impact like no other communication tool. Visual storytellers hold the potential to make a critical difference in our understanding of the climate crisis, functioning as a bridge between complex science, political strategies, economic interests, and citizens.

For these reasons, the NOOR Foundation supported by The Kingdom of The Netherlands and ASEF created a dedicated space wherein authors from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam could come together to work, share, and learn from one another.

Guided by award-winning visual storytellers Kadir van Lohuizen (The Netherlands) and Linh Pham (Vietnam), the twelve authors worked on stories close to home in mainland South East Asia. The reality here paints a very strong picture: the climate crisis is here, right at our front door, and with it entire ecosystems mutate, migrate, and go extinct, and the chain of life they support changes irrevocably, often driven to the brink of collapse.

The authors take us on a journey of discovery: from the impact of ocean acidification on marine life to the human adaptation to evermore extreme heat waves. We are taken along the coasts of Cambodia where, although deforestation of mangrove forests continues, grassroots reforestation operations fight it back. On the Mekong Delta, one of the regions most impacted by the climate crisis, we learn of a new surprising symbiosis between shrimps and rice plants which represents hope for local farmers.⁠

If we are to stand a chance we are to recognize that the magnitude of this unprecedented crisis requires us to come together and act now. We hereby share with you twelve stories, twelve seeds of change, and invite you to water these seeds, to share, care, and grow together into something larger and more powerful than the sum of us.

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