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Nikon x France Médias Monde : The Manoir Workshop


You dream of being a journalist and going on assignments in tense or even war zones? Follow your dreams, but before you dive in, think about safety! The France Média Monde Academy, in association with INA and Reporters Without Borders, is organizing the Manoir training from October 8 to 10, 2024, during the War Correspondents Festival in Bayeux.

A training recognized in the war reporting field

Today, few major media outlets send journalists to dangerous areas without them having undergone training on safety, the risks of the profession, and the geopolitical context. Indeed, in 2023, 63 journalists were killed while exercising their profession, according to UNESCO, which notes a sharp increase in the number of journalists killed in conflict zones.

Camille Courcy, a freelance journalist, is among the 360 students who have completed this training before going on assignments in war-torn countries.

During these six days, the 12 participants learn to handle extreme situations. The training alternates between theory and practice. The exercises aim to replicate war contexts, for example, providing first aid under the actual sound of Kalashnikov bullets fired a few meters away from them. The goal is to make these future reporters ready to face all types of extreme situations.

NIKON supports the Manoir training

While safety is priceless, the training has a cost: participants must pay the sum of 3200 euros. For five years, Nikon has been funding the training of future journalists. Only a contribution of 350€ is required from the trainee to cover the accommodation costs for the five days on site.

To apply, candidates must send their application, including a CV, a cover letter, and one or more productions of a photo reportages made in dangerous areas, to the address [email protected] before August 30, 2020.

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