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NegPos : Chile 50 Years, Images of a Social Transformation


The 11 of September1973 in Chili, was the day of Pinochet’s coup d’état and the death of Allende! For many of my generation, it was the definitive end of the dreams and illusions of the previous five years. We had failed! The Negpos association in Nîmes is dedicating an exhibition to Chile on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the coup d’état and making a tribute to Salvador Allende. Here it is: and thanks to Patrice Loubon, its curator.
Jean-Jacques Naudet


This year will be celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Salvador Allende, democratically elected president of Chile and the disastrous establishment of the military dictatorship of Pinochet, on September 11, 1973. Nîmes can take pride in being one of the welcoming haven for Chilean in exile. Several places in our city still bear witness to this: the Salvador Allende Boulevard and the Pablo Neruda Center. At a time when fascism is growing again in Europe, it is important to react actively and display our commitment to the defense of democracy, the pillar of our Republic.

NegPos Center for Art and Photography is naturally associated with the duty never to forget and invites you to join. Chile 50 Years, Images of a Social Transformation is a project created by curators Patrice Loubon and Alexis Diaz Belmar as part of the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Salvador Allende and the subsequent military coup in Chile on September 11th 1973. The aim is to generate a narrative from the photographic image of the social and political process of transformation that took place in Chile between the years 1973 and 2023. Focusing on visualizations of the memory of the dictatorship , the public protests that took place during the dictatorship and the democracy that followed, and the recent social explosion of 2019, we want to remember the history.

The event sets up five exhibitions, an intervention in public space and a cycle of documentary films. Its program takes place in the cities of Nîmes, Arles and Avignon, in the following partner locations: the NegPos Fotoloft gallery (Nîmes), the Aux Docks D`Arles gallery, the Le Méjean cinema in Arles, the Faculty of Education of the University of Montpellier branch of Nîmes, the Library of the Contemporary Art Museum of Nîmes, the Sémaphore cinema in Nîmes and the Chapelle Saint Michel in Avignon.

Artists: Marcelo Montecino, Celeste Rojas, Cristian Kirby, Claudio Perez, Hernan Parada, Alvaro Hoppe, Kena Lorenzini, Helen Hughes, Sofia Yanjari, Javier Godoy, Nicole Kramm, Rocio Hormazabal, Cheril Linett, Collectif LASTESIS, Delight Lab, Alexis Diaz Belmar , Jorge Gronemeyer.

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