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Musée Carnavalet : Parisiennes citoyennes !


Commitments for the emancipation of women (1789-2000)

The exhibition “Parisiennes citoyennes !” takes us on an ambitious historical journey, from the French Revolution to the law on parity, in the footsteps of the struggles that women led in Paris for their emancipation.

The Carnavalet Museum presents an unprecedented synthesis on the history and memory of the struggles for the emancipation of women, focusing on the history of feminisms in Paris. Alongside certain key figures, from Olympe de Gouges to Gisèle Halimi, a large place is given to lesser known or anonymous Parisian women: revolutionary citizens of 1789, 1830, 1848, Communards, suffragettes, pacifists, resistance fighters, political women or trade unionists, feminist activists, committed artists and intellectuals, striking workers, groups of immigrant women…

The course of the exhibition follows a chronological thread which begins with the claim of the “citizenship” for women, during the Revolution, and ends with the law on parity, in 2000. Between these two dates a dynamic unfolds the emancipation of women explored in all its dimensions: it entails the right to education, the right to work, civil rights and civic rights, so difficult to obtain, but also the freedom to dispose of one’s body and access to artistic and cultural creation.


Parisiennes citoyennes !
Engagements pour l’émancipation des femmes (1789-2000)
September 28, 2022 – January 29, 2023
Musée Carnavalet – Histoire de Paris
23 Rue de Sévigné
75003 Paris, France

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