The Cucibocca of Montescaglios
The Cucibocca are enigmatic figures from the Lucanian tradition, deeply rooted in the history and legends of Montescaglioso. These mysterious entities captivate the collective imagination with their ancient and indecipherable allure. Their origin is shrouded in mystery, with multiple interpretations that never reach a certain truth.
Like fleeting apparitions, the Cucibocca emerge from nowhere, bringing with them a profound and arcane significance. On the night before Epiphany, they wander the streets of Montescaglioso, instilling fear in the hearts of passersby, yet never causing true fright. They belong to that magical realm that, ultimately, watches over humanity, shielding it from evil. With their lanterns in hand, the Cucibocca, much like Diogenes, seek human presences to whom they can reveal the light of Knowledge.
These enigmatic characters appear cloaked in black, with dark hats, glasses made from orange peels, and long hemp beards reminiscent of Harpocrates. Dressed this way, they also evoke images of Japanese figures, giving the impression that once a year, in the land of Lucania, Japanese peasants appear. Naturally, this is merely a personal visual interpretation, inspired by the Japanese semblance of these dark figures’ attire. The tradition is kept alive by two distinct artistic groups who creatively collaborate to manage the event in the town.