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MHS Publishing : Michel Haddi : Tahiti Surf


 On May 30, 2024, before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, as a world exclusive, the @29artsinprogress gallery in Milan launched the new book by Michel Haddi entitled Tahiti Surf published by MHS Publishing. Michel Haddi writes:

Bear in mind, the Olympic 2024 surf competition will be held in Tahiti.
It is all about love, surf, water, and the most famous wave in the world A.K.A Teahupo’o.

I had the pleasure to be there for 2 weeks during the world championship in 2003 invited by Linda Hardy to celebrate the 21 years of this magnificient trip, I decided to bring out this opus in 2024 right on time for the Paris Olympics 2024.

I always wonder if there is any place in this world where we feel like we belong to God’s own country. For me, it’s Tahiti. It is, without a doubt, the Garden of Eden. Let’s talk about surfing. The first day of our arrival, unbeknownst to me, the World Surfing Championship was taking place in Teahupo’o. We all stayed in a B&B around the corner, Pension bonjouir (come well), interesting description, I admit.

Five minutes in a speedboat, and we were right on the wave. I saw this monstrous wave, ten stories high. All the boats had their engines running, in case the wave crushed our skulls. It’s one of my life experiences where I felt small, very small, like a toad. Of course, stars like Kelly Slater were there, competing and almost risking breaking every bone. At this point it is very shallow and just above a coral reef. Surfing is a very inspiring way to be. It’s not a sport, it’s like scuba diving. Finally, you belong to one of the elements: water. You are like water. I still believe you are Buddha on a surfboard.Of course, what will Tahiti be without the most incredible looking girls. Linda Hardy, Miss France 1992, and all the Miss from the Tahiti Islands who competed for Miss France that year, 2003. Mareva Georges kindly was our guide. Mareva was Miss France 1991. Airline was Air Tahiti Nui, indeed they invited us. And let’s not forget the people, these beautiful, generous, and kind Islanders.

Michel Haddi  


The book has been designed by @robertodapozzo and his team.
The retouched images by @agencepoint11 and Frith @frithfrith
Printing was created by @printatdesignpress in Germany.
Director of production Sarah coldron

Michel Haddi : Tahiti Surf
MHS Publishing
Limited Edition. Only 1000 copies.
24,7 cm x 34 cm
420 pages

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