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MEP : Thomas Mailaender : les Belles Images


The MEP gives Carte Blanche to multimedia artist Thomas Mailaender. This Carte Blanche will take the form of an experimental photographic laboratory in constant evolution. Evolving according to the artist’s proposals, the exhibition will put the creative process and its legitimization as such at the center of its concerns. Moving away from the traditional framework of an artistic and visual demonstration, the exhibition Les Belles Images  will give rise to a great commotion in the spaces of the MEP. The exhibition will bring together a vast collection of old and new pieces specially designed for the occasion, such as “Fail Anthology”, “Extreme Retouch” and “Chemical Room”, an immersive installation designed as an exploration of the photographic medium. The tour, extended over the two floors of the Galleries, will present among others “Les Belles Images”, eponymous series, in which the artist reinvests photographs from press agencies, but also the major series “Extreme Tourism”, “Gone Fishing”, or others, like “Illustrated People”. Finally, the series “Life and Adventures of a Silver Woman on Planet Earth” looks back on the life and commitment of Rosemary Jacobs, an American activist victim of the ravages of silver nitrate, who used photography to document her story and denounce the use of this chemical compound for medical purposes.


Thomas Mailaender : les Belles Images
Until September 29, 2024
5/7 rue de Fourcy
75004 Paris
+33 (0)1 44 78 75 00

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