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Mélanie Dornier: –China Urban Landscape


During the three years I spent in China, I tried to depict the urban transformation of the country from different angles. The seasons passed and the first winter cold froze the landscape, illuminated by a soft, afternoon light. This is how, in November 2012, the series Apocalypse was born.

A wooden hut for shelter, an abandoned kitchen, a tour on an e-bike through dilapidated buildings surrounded by piles of rubble. Mankind lives in the midst of this frozen wasteland that he created, then destroyed, only to rebuild again. The atmosphere was amplified using a sepia semi-filter on the camera. 

Apocalypse is part of my larger project, Urban Landscape China, a series of landscapes showing the changes taking place in the country. In addition to these series are Rebuild-China, a report on the destruction of traditional China along with the lives of construction workers, and Abandon, an artistic look at the country’s changing urban landscape.

Mélanie Dornier

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