Since the creation of #ExilsIntraMuros with Eliette Abecassis and the launch of the “What if it was you?” initiative in June 2014, we have repeated this loud and clear: letting families live in these dilapidated shantytowns or in the street not only deprives them of their basic rights but also reinforces the stigmatisation to which they are subject, exposing them to often violent forms of rejection. At Stalingrad in Paris, in the suburbs of Seine St Denis, in Lille and in Calais, in France and elsewhere in Europe: a dignified welcome for all.
Empathy, solidarity and humanity are our watchwords.
For refugees, for migrants from Europe or from elsewhere, for all the homeless, without exception.
We have no political affiliation and we ask for all men, women and children to be treated with humanity.
The Council of Europe’s Secretary General, Thorbjørn Ragland, the human rights advocate, Jacques Toubon, the league of human rights (LDH), Amnesty International, the UN and Romeurope all call on France to stop the forced evictions of Roma people.
Experience has shown that these evictions are very costly and do not achieve anything, apart from throwing families into the street, causing them even greater instability and further exasperating the population.
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