Portraits du monde is the first exhibition its a tribute to my father, the photographer Marc Garanger, since his passing on Monday April 27, 2020. It is at the initiative of Hervé Nègre, founder of Galerie A in Saint-Étienne, photographer and friend of my father, who entrusted me with the editorial line of the exhibition, expressing only the wish to show some portraits of Algerian Women. My father having devoted part of his life to the search for the other and what distinguishes him/her from oneself, I selected a series of emblematic portraits among those he made throughout his career around the world. . The common point of these images is that the people photographed all look at him, straight at the lens, just as the Algerian Women did in 1960 during the identity photos shoots imposed by the French government. These portraits characterize the work of my father who had this unparalleled instinct to fix in the moment the otherness that interrogates.
Martin Garanger
Marc Garanger: Portraits of the world
Tribute by Martin Garanger and Hervé Nègre
September 1 to 25, 2021
Gallery A
8 rue Robert
420000 Saint Etienne