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MAIF Social Club: Martin Parr : Matières à Mijoter – Who decides what to eat?


The way we eat is conditioned by many criteria: where we are, the means at our disposal, the offer we are presented with, the time we have. More personal criteria such as our education, our culture, our values, our beliefs also come into play. The independence of our individual and collective choices is thus disrupted by a complex web of influences, sometimes invisible and unconscious.

In this selection of photographs by English artist Martin Parr, we see people getting ready to eat something with their fingers. Their dress style, the choice of their food, the way they wear it and what they do (or not) at the same time draw up a unique panorama of our multiple identities.


AnneSophie Berard – Curator / Julie Rothhahn – Scenographer


Matières à Mijoter

Qui décide de ce que l’on mange ?

Du 1er octobre 2021 au 29 janvier 2022

Maif Social Club

37 rue de Turenne, Paris 3ème




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