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Lodz Fotofestiwal 2024 : Michalina Kacperak


Michalina Kacperak presents her project Soft Spot at the Lodz Fotofestiwal 2024. Here is her text !

There is a very popular saying in Poland, which I have heard many times in my life in various situations: ‘Fish and children have no voice’. I decided that I would give a say to all the children and the child in me.

Our family is devoid of adults, those who grew up remained children.

“Soft Spot” weaves a multifaceted narrative about a world where everyone defies their expected roles. Adults act like children, and children bear the weight of adulthood. But in the story, no one is straightforward.

As the eldest among my four sisters, we are the offspring of an alcoholic father who is currently on the path to sobriety. Among us four, only Zosia clings to her childhood. I’ve always found her imagination, courage and self-acceptance fascinating.

Our childhood developed among a constant struggle with loneliness, destabilization, lack of closeness and an enduring sense of guilt. One parent battled alcoholism, both were frequently absent, and our emotions became deeply scarred. A dysfunctional home, paradoxically, creates a strong connection that later constraints your actions. Even after leaving, it lingers within you, and upon returning, you yearn to escape – impossible for a child to fulfill.

Michalina Kacperak


June 13-23, 2024

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