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Łódź Fotofestiwal 2024 : A Photographic Overview of the Balkans


The Łódź photography festival hosts numerous exhibitions, including an open program, a call for projects that saw 1200 photographers participate. Six series were selected, among them those by Camilla de Maffei and Adrien Selbert. Both artists worked on a Balkan country and its peoples.


The Real Borders, Adrien Selbert

At the age of 20, Adrien Selbert spent the summer in Sarajevo with Aude Léa Rapin. As children, both were struck by the war images from the 90s that were broadcast on TV news. Fascinated by Bosnia, they made “Nino’s Place,” a film chronicling a mother’s struggle to find her son fifteen years after the Srebrenica genocide.

In the series “The Real Borders,” Adrien Selbert focuses on the post-war period and the country’s reconstruction 30 years later. The result of 10 years of research, meetings, and trips to Bosnia, “The Real Borders” captures Bosnian society after its trauma.


The Great Father, Camilla de Maffei

Camilla de Maffei focused on another Balkan country, located further south: Albania.

Under a dictatorial regime from 1945 to 1991, the country was ruled with an iron fist by Enver Hoxha. Albanians lived in fear of repressive laws. Camilla de Maffei’s work takes place 30 years after the fall of the regime and the liberalization of the country. The photographer lived in Albania for over a year to study the society before photographing it. The exhibition texts, written by journalist Christian Elia, accompany the photographs. They include life testimonies from Albanians: workers, women, young adults, etc. These are unique stories, yet all face situations of inequality and exploitation. Authentic and without pathos, Camilla de Maffei’s work seeks to photograph the Albanian people and their desire for freedom.

These two projects by Camilla de Maffei and Adrien Selbert, independent of each other, are artistic endeavors that carry a nearly sociological dimension. They spent many years in these territories, living and meeting locals. Through their lenses, these artists invite us to a profound reflection on the history and resilience of the peoples in this region.


A Look Back on Lodz Fotofestiwal 2024

From June 13-23, 2024

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