Lindsey Wohlman works to create a photographic interpretation of John James Audubon’s iconic “Birds of America”. Through the collaboration of several institutions like the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and University of Colorado Natural History Museum, she utilizes photography as a means to remove the artist’s touch to accurately display the specimens while retaining beauty in their imperfection. By doing so she has empowered her specimens to carry their stories of life and death as photography is a conduit of honest storytelling.
Lindsey Wohlman works to create a photographic interpretation of John James Audubon’s iconic “Birds of America”.She utilizes photography as a means to remove the artist’s touch to accurately display the specimens while retaining beauty in their imperfection. By doing so she has empowered her specimens to carry their stories of life and death as photography is a conduit of honest storytelling. The Immature Bald Eagle print was created in conjunction with the National Eagle Repository with the express agreement that all sales of this work support non-profits in accordance with The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16
U.S.C. 668-668d)
Lindsey Wohlman works creates photographic interpretation of John James Audubon’s iconic “Birds of America”. by utilizing photography as a means to remove the artist’s touch to accurately display the specimens while retaining beauty in their imperfection. Learn more at