The structure of the word “Blitz“「闪」in Chinese, shows a character「人」standing in the middle of the door 「门」. It represents the relationship and feelings between the city and me.
The Chinese word “Blitz” has the photographic meaning. It represents the camera’s flash. And the scene that is illuminated by the flash seems to endow a unique value. In this piece of artwork, the target that I would like to “flash” is the tiny character that stands in the middle of the door「闪.
Skyscrapers and high buildings erected densely and messily in the city surrounding us. The crowded buildings represent the complicated society. In this society, with different kinds of voices rising here and subsiding there: voices for moving forward or backward, for standing firm or for compromise, for innovation or for tradition. These contradictions and noises echo around us every day. People are confused as to their aims in life and the answers to their problems.
Lianzhou Foto 2013
November 23 – December 31, 2013
Lianzhou, China