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Les Rencontres Photographiques du 10ème – Openings, meetings and workshops


Rencontres Photographiques du 10ème runs until October 28. Here is this week’s program:

Le meilleur des anneaux – Tuesday, October 10, 7pm – Point éphémère
“Le Meilleur des Anneaux” is a celebration of commitment, complicity and mutual trust. The photographs on display reveal sincere and poetic moments, inviting us to question the nature of intimacy and explore the different facets of a couple’s relationship. With work by Guillaume Blot, Alex Huanfa Cheng and Erwan Floch.

Sensitive! – Alain Genest – Tuesday, October 10, 6pm – L’Apostrophe Café Artistique
This exhibition pays tribute to and magnifies trees in urban settings, particularly in Paris, where all the photos were taken. A solo project, Sensible! is the second instalment of the 3000 milliards project, begun with visual artist and photographer Solange Jungers.

” … And be dazzled…” – Thursday, October 12, 5:30pm – Galerie Rachel Hardouin
Observe, marvel, let in the light. The exhibition ” … et s’éblouir… ” is a journey towards an outer space, an introspection towards the inner world. Six photographers bring their stories into dialogue through their images.

Collective Exhibition – Thursday, October 12, 6pm – Galerie du 30
This collective exhibition features two artists: Stéphanie Colaux reflects on the female body and its place in the landscape, and Jean-Christophe Lallau proposes a melancholy wandering through off-season seaside resorts. Their works interact with the archives of two guest galleries specializing in old photographs: Qu’un peu de sable efface and Snapshot Gallery.

Destination finale – Isabelle Serro – Thursday, October 12, 7pm – Stopover at La Grange aux belles
As a photojournalist, Isabelle Serro has spent the last twenty years in “sensitive” areas around the world. In recent years, she has worked in depth on the African continent.
Destination finale questions the consumerism that creates disposable clothing, much of which ends up in Ghana.


For the rest of the program, click here.

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