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La chambre claire Galerie de Douarnenez : Dana Cojbuc : YGGDRASIL


Through her photographs where the pencil sometimes extends her gaze, where she can also introduce elements that she will have gleaned from the nature that she penetrates emotionally, where man or animal also appears, Dana Cojbuc transports us to mysterious, dreamlike, reinvented worlds… and the magic happens.

Her sensitivity, which her kindness reveals at the first meeting (for us it was during the photo confrontations in Gex in September 2021 before finding her again at Paris Photo in November 2022), transpires in the series that she has built over the years. years, between Winter’s Tale, Yggdrasil, Opening the Shore or even her Invented Landscapes. For her, being in the world is animal, vegetable, mineral… which she embraces with warmth and respect.

“I photograph the forest to reinvent it a posteriori through drawing. Turning my back to the sea, the gaze finds a tumultuous forest of which I draw the infinite contours. I embroider the frame with a thread of charcoal. A few charcoal lines traced in the continuity of the photo gives it the appearance of a drawing. I only intervene on the edge, at the heart remains the photo. I play with the confusion of the two mediums. The drawing takes the viewer outside the photographic frame but inside a denser, more chaotic, darker forest which opens up and finds the light in the white of the paper, remaining faithful to it to bring it later towards my invented world.”Dana Cojbuc


Dana Cojbuc was born in 1979 in Romania. She lives and works in Paris. A graduate of fine arts in Bucharest and in communication at the University of Athens, she enriches her photographic work with different techniques (sculpture, drawing, video, etc.).


Dana Cojbuc : YGGDRASIL
Until May 20, 2023
La chambre claire Galerie
3 rue Voltaire
29100 Douarnenez
06 42 40 88 30

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