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Köln & Paris: Herbert Hoffmann


Born in Pommern, Germany, orphaned early and then called to the Russian Front to fight for the armies of the Third Reich (from which he was released in 1949), Herbert Hoffmann (1919-2010) is a kind of miracle man. He expressed his humanist joy through the media of skin and film. In his Hamburg studio, which he opened in 1961, Hoffmann created a “graffiti” movement with tattoos, a precursor to the artistic boom in the 1970s. Visiting his official site, you will notice, as I did, that this humble German artist was prophetic. Renowned in the world of both tattoo and photography, all of his work is imbued with a humanist, uninhibited and gentle candor.

I’ll leave you with a few photographs. I would like to thank the Galerie Susanne Zander in Cologne for providing these images.

Lola Fabry

Read the full article on the French version of Le Journal.

Herbert Hoffmann
Galerie Susanne Zander
Delmes & Zander GbR
Antwerpener Str. 1
50672 Cologne
Tel. +49-221-521625
Fax +49-221-5101079

HEY! modern art & pop culture / Part II
Until August 23rd, 2013
Hall Saint Pierre
2, rue Ronsard
75018 Paris
M° Anvers (2) / Abbesses (12)

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