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Kiara Lagarrigue



Hécatombe explores life after death, the Other Life: where the human being is no more than a carnal envelope returning to the earth, where beauty, glory and power become perfect inanity, and where nature follows its crushing cycle. Angelic faces putrefy, clothes disintegrate, vines cover graves, insects attack flesh and, finally, everything disappears. Ghost-women, statue-women, corpse-women: Hecatombe explores the vain and ephemeral nature of our existences. The greatest beauties decay, matter decomposes, and the world keeps on turning.
Should we try to build something immortal, to eternalize ourselves, or accept death? The women of Hécatombe surrender to their fate, putting up no resistance, and let nature slowly bog them down. Ghost-women, statue-women, corpse-women: “Man, remember that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.”

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