Akaa 2020, my choices by Thierry Maindrault
This multimedia creator feels very involved in the problems related to fresh water, its transport and its use. As he kept a home base in Lagos (Nigeria), he has a very realistic vision of the water supply which is essentially provided by women and girls who devote a large part of their lives to this vital function which is dangerous to their health and sometime to their life itself (attacks by wild animals, rapes, assaults, etc.).
The works that were to be presented, at Akaa, reflect well the symbolic character of his messages through a vision in search of didactic surrealism which is very often humorous in the first degree.
Joseph Obanubi puts his fruitful imagination at the disposal of very laudable causes and questions through his graphically strong images. A careful examination of his photographs, however, makes it obvious that movement seems essential to this creator to show all his fertile creativity.
Akaa Digital Conference Program 2020
November 20 to November 29, 2020
Gallery Magnin-A
118 boulevard Richard Lenoir
75011 PARIS