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Jeu de Paume Tours : Chinese Shadows. Under the eye of diplomats


Celebrating sixty years of diplomatic exchanges between France and the People’s Republic of China, « Ombres chinoises. Sous l’œil des diplomates », presented at the Château de Tours from November 24, 2023 to May 26, 2024, highlights the works of two great photographers, now preserved in the French Diplomatic Archives.

The exhibition compares the shots of famous monuments, rural landscapes and striking portraits from the 1930s by Hélène Hoppenot (1894 – 1990) to a documentary photographic analysis of André Travert (1921-1993) whose work reveals a society in full change between 1947 and 1971.

More than 200 unpublished prints and documents from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs reveal two significantly different visions of a country at a pivotal moment in its history.


Ombres Chinoises. Sous l’œil des diplomates
November 24, 2023 – May 26, 2024
Le Jeu de Paume au Château de Tours
25 Av. André Malraux
37000 Tours, France

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