Almost five years ago, I started this amazing journey of coming to live in Mexico city, city of magic, medusa city sometimes; I needed to find a refuge to all that chaos of a hostile and seductive scenario, unstoppable, impatient. Photography was the mean that made this encounter possible, that allowed me to refold to myself, to my microcosms, in order to find certainty. And so I started working with the body, mine and his. The one other that left so many traces on my story of life.
The body, the surface on which we write our experiences, the biological entity that makes possible all the other faculties that make us human beings; to think, to do, to have a voice to tell, to relate with others, to create, to feel and love and grief, to transform and destroy ourselves in a metaphoric sense, and rebuilt ourselves to continue living.
I immersed myself in this profound introspection process, to explore, discover and recognize us through our bodies, fortress of the being, what enables us to wield our flag as individuals, the metaphor that anchors us here and now, the place of our limits and liberties.
I like to think my projects as a reflection of my life, as a way to write and tell my personal story, in a visual language charged with emotions. In this specific sense, they become long-term projects, phases and chapters that reveal my livings; they work as individual series and also as parts of a wider whole.
Through photography, I’ve been able to weave the pages of a story told in images, in silence. Pieces of bodies, little intervals of skin that declare so many features, scars as furrows, creases, treads of identity that exhale through every pore: yes, I’ve lived. Present bodies, absent at times, dissolved in the space of memories. Bodies in permanent metamorphosis, that witness how vulnerable flesh can be and denounce a consistent That – has – been from Barthes.
I have discovered facets I was not aware of, details of my body, I have also come to know a little better the other through his body. The revealed images have been a refuge from the world, a drop of comfort after I lost him, after we lost each other, and a mean to anchor back to the world and to me, at moments when I felt uncertain or lost.
I believe my creative work, inseparable from my life itself, is a cut on space and time of precise instants that survive the act throughout images drawn with light, which inevitably will evoke the voices of memory.
I truly believe that as human beings we nourish our spirit from the experience of sharing with others. Sharing knowledge, moments, thoughts, feelings and affections, life. As art creators this couldn’t be any different, the contact with others strengthens our own projects by the means of constructive feedback, questioning our intentions and confronting with ourselves in the sense of a mirror episode.