A unique collaboration has produced “Invasion: Diaries and Memories of War in Iraq”, a special exhibition marking the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War has opened at the Bronx Documentary Center. The unsettling, dark, crazy war diary entries of Marine Lt. TImothy McClaughlin (blown up large and mounted on the walls), smart texts by author Peter Maas and unbelievable photographs by VII photographer Gary Knight have been used as the source materials for a fully engaging installation. The original American flag which draped on the toppled Saddam Hussein statue belongs to McLaughlin and was included. There is also a short film by Fiona Turner (Mrs. Knight) and a panel of informal “war zone” snapshots, all elements in this great piece of story telling.
The Bronx Documentary Center is good looking and easily accessible by subway.
Take the 2 or 5 train to 3rd Ave-149th St. Walk to 614 Courtlandt Avenue, Bronx.
WM Hunt
INVASION: Diaries and Memories of War In Iraq
by Tim McLaughlin, Gary Knight and Peter Maass
March 15 – April 19, 2013
The Bronx Documentary Center
614 Courtlandt Avenue (@ 151st St.)
Bronx, New York 10451
T. +1 347 332-6962
Thursdays and Fridays 4pm – 7pm
Saturdays and Sundays 1pm – 5pm
Free and open to the public.