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Iran: Bahar Faraz –Women of my town


As a women herself, in the series “Women of my town” Bahar tries to look at the women’s lifestyle from a different way not necessarily seductive. According to the artist she grew up in a country where the role and position of women has been unclear and under pressure both in their private life and in society. “The women of my town “helps the artist face her memories.

Bahar Faraz is an iranian artist who lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. Educated in economics and political science, she started her artistic life in 2010 with a camera which led her to explore the world of photography. In her works she mostly tries to look at different aspects of human’s life from different angles, she tries to picture them differently. Photography for Bahar is a way of communicating with people without words.

E: [email protected]
T: 0046735646443

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