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Initial LABO : Changnam Lee


Initial LABO presents Changnam Lee, the Korean photographer is exhibiting in France for the first time and unveils a dreamlike universe made of color.

“The artist must not only face the roaring sea of ​​showers, blizzards and waves, but also capture the angle between the camera, the artist herself and the magnificence of Mother Nature.” – Excerpt from the text of Geun-Ho Yoo, Art Critic specialized in Art History at the Sorbonne I University

“The wave reacts to the light”
“In my memory, the sea has a continuous flow wider than the fleeting moment.
The ocean, with the flow of my emotions and light is even more vast and infinite.
Facing him, I free myself from the memories that imprison me.
As the rough waves hit the shore hard and break away, my pent up and unfamiliar emotions also vanish.
This series of photographic works captures the flow of waves in the dark.
The continuous stream of waves breaks up into various spectra as soon as the shutter is pressed and takes on an unfamiliar appearance. Beyond the reproduction of reality, this constitutes forms of unreal waves and waves with multiple colors. This is how the uncertain emotions born of the physical distance between the sea and my “embodied being” are expressed. The successive layers of superimposed images reconstruct the twists and turns of my memory.
Like a wave, I abandon myself to the shore and, from this encounter with the sea, the hidden and forgotten fragility resurfaces. The cracks created by life explode into foam, anxiety, desire, dissatisfaction, joy… and appear to me until forgotten.
Sea, deliver me from the restraints of my mind.
Changnam Lee


Changnam Lee is a Korean artist born in 1964, she graduated from Chung-An University Graduate School of Arts and Kyungwan University College of Art.
Her work is widespread and recognized in South Korea, but also in China, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore.
With works present in various collections such as that of the Jongno-Qu Pavilion, the Hallin Center and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, she is also collected by private institutions and foundations, making Changnam one of the outstanding figures of the contemporary art scene.
Changnam Lee was a lecturer at Dankook University and a professor at the College of Art of Kangwon National University.


Changnam Lee
From September 19 to October 10, 2022
Opening on Saturday September 24 in the presence
Initial LABO Boulogne -Billancourt
62, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

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