Dans le viseur is a series of short documentaries animated and written by Jean-Claude Delmas, Marie Manecy and Bérangère Condomines, nicely drawn live by Hippolyte and directed by Marie Manecy.
The concept of this series was born from the meeting of photographer and director Marie Manecy with photographer and reporter Jean-Claude Delmas, who worked for Agence France Presse and Reuters for most of his career.
He is the author of photographs, impertinent, offbeat, always sparkling, as he has always been himself; and, has remained since his retirement on the island of Reunion. His commentaries are excellent, his gouaille is wonderful.
The inspiration for this series comes from the archives of photographers. If the pilots only concern Jean-Claude Delmas, others should intervene such as Jacques Witt, the Lebanese Jack Dabaghian and Maher Attar, the Englishman Derek Hudson, the German Thomas Kienzle, the Canadian Nick Didlick etc. The stories, in voice-over, offer an intimate encounter with these photojournalists, as well as a moment of history and education on their daily lives and the way news was covered in the days of film.
Finally, the talent of the cartoonist Hippolyte, who is very comfortable with live drawing, is to be commended, allowing for an animated immersion in the before and after click of the shutter. Remarkable.
So, obviously, we wonder, we try to understand why this series has not yet found its place on one of our major television channels…
Michel Puech