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In Memoriam : George Tice (1938 – 2025)


We learned of the passing of George Tice.
Lisa Tice sent these photographs and Peter Fetterman wrote :

Dear Friends,

I was very saddened last night when I got the news that dear George had passed away. He was one of my first photographers when I started up nearly 40 years ago. He was my photographic hero. Modest and so humble despite his ferocious talent, the memories come flooding back now.

I always enjoyed visiting him in his native state of New Jersey. We shared stories about what it took to survive in this profession. I remember him telling me how he used to go door to door asking to take baby photos to feed his family. His story matched by mine also going door to door like the Avon ladies showing photos in a box to keep the gallery and my family afloat in the hope that someone might buy one.

George seems to me to have belonged to a generation of precise craftsmen and craftswomen who are an endangered species now. He was just a joy and inspiration to be around. As I say in the documentary linked below, he taught me about America and helped me to understand my adopted country through his images.

I was so happy to have introduced him to the producer of the theatrical musical “Jersey Boys” who wanted to license one of his great images as the main back drop for the set. It turned out to be one of the greatest surprise theatrical hit shows of the 20th Century and the license fees George received helped keep him free to pursue his craft. Sitting together watching the show on Broadway was one of the great joys of my life.

George got to do what he loved to do, which is the greatest form of success any artist could wish for. He is up there in the pantheon of the greats, be it Edward Hopper or Edward Weston. I am sad but feel honored and blessed to have known him as I know many others in our community also feel the same. Rest in Peace my friend.

Peace and love,

Peter Fetterman


“I don’t speak emotionally about my pictures.That’s for other people to do. I will say that I love my photos. That’s what keeps me going. Photography teaches us to see and we can see whatever we wish. When I take a photograph, I make a wish, I was always looking for beauty”George Tice


And here is the film George Tice: Seeing Beyond The Moment


Peter Fetterman Gallery
2525 Michigan Ave, #A1
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Lisa Tice

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