Royal Survey. The story begins with a tale passed down orally by an old couple Stéphane Lavoué met twenty years ago in Vermont, USA. The “North-East Kingdom” is a territory the size of a French “département,” population 5000, situated on the Canadian border. The land is isolated. The houses look like something out of Twin Peaks‘s by David Lynch. Lavoué took the tale seriously and set out in search of the kingdom’s inhabitants and its king. Wavering between fiction and the reality of living conditions, he roamed the land, meeting taxidermists, hunters, butchers—the kingdom’s princess—a museum curator of everyday’s objects, and told the story, after three two-week trips, of the North-East Kingdom. He depicts an unsettling land filled with isolated people who are never alone.
Read the full article in the French version of L’Oeil.
Image Singulières
13 – 31 May 2015
The North-East Kingdom de Stéphane Lavoué
La Maison de l’image documentaire
3 rue Raspail / Place Stalingrad
Stéphane Lavoué
The North-East Kingdom
From June 18th to October 10th, 2015
Leica Store Paris 8ème
105 – 109 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris