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Hotel de Ville de Paris & La Belle Hortense : Peter Turnley : Une Letter d’Amour à Paris


Peter Turnley celebrates two simultaneous exhibitions of his Parisian photographs, Une Letter d’Amour à Paris”.

Peter Turnley, Franco-American, arrived in his adopted city, Paris, in 1975. He has lived there and photographed the life of the city he love continuously for 50 years.

When he first arrived in Paris he worked for a period of time as assistant to Robert Doisneau.

“My photographs represent an expression of my true and profound love for my adopted home and city-a city where I have walked incessantly for now 50 years. It is in Paris where my heart has been moved constantly by so much of what can make life wonderful and magic.” – Peter Turnley


Peter Turnley : Une Letter d’Amour à Paris

-On the gates of the Paris City Hall, from September 1-October 15, 2023

-At La Belle Hortense, 31 rue Vielle du Temple, from September 1-October 31, 2023

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