This series of photographs portrays individuals in different rural sceneries and seasons. The people are positioned in the center of the image and displayed only from their back view. They hold an umbrella, through which a beam of light shines upon them. As a result of this artificial lighting, the persons seem to be disconnected from their tangible surroundings and moved into an individual space of light, an illusive world. Despite their different backgrounds and life stories, they find themselves within the same situation: their own, individual world. There they stand and wait…
Laura Lang
Several persons find themselves in a landscape or a public space seen from the back. They seem anonymous since their faces and eyes are invisible . They are lit by the same luminous aureole above their head a kind of protective halo. Their relax position can be interpretated as the effect of a reflection full of serenity. It is the gamble of the photographer. His subjects look to the future lit by a halo of poetic light. An optimist way to be in the world.
Hans Wetzelsdorfer – ” what are we waiting for “
Phot’Aix 2018 – Regards Croisès 2018
4 October 4 – 31 Décember 31, 2018
La Fontaine Obscure
Espace Photographique Galerie
24 av. Henri Poncet
13090 Aix-en-Provence