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Hamiltons Gallery : Murray Fredericks : Blaze


Hamiltons Gallery presents Blaze, a new series by the Australian photographer Murray Fredericks. This astonishing body of work has fire as its central theme whilst transporting you to the vast regions of the Australian salt planes and wetlands. Hamiltons has represented Murray Fredericks for over a decade. His atmospheric photographs border on the sublime – giving rise to the emotional and physical sense of an overwhelming awe of nature. These large-scale, colour photographs are set against the vast expanse of the Australian landscape, in particular flooded lakes and river systems. However, unlike Frederick’s previous works, BLAZE has fire as its central theme. Using non-destructive methods, Fredericks seemingly sets trees alight to create mesmerizing natural ‘beacons’.


Murray Fredericks : Blaze
Until 21 January 2023
Hamiltons Gallery
13 Carlos Place
London, Lnd W1K 2EU · United Kingdom

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