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Gitterman Gallery : More Avant-Garde


We received these images and this text from Tom Gitterman about the More Avant-Garde exhibition that he is presenting in his gallery until November 2.

I am always on the lookout for art that will contribute to my understanding, art that will broaden my perspective or make me feel a sense of connection. Most importantly, it needs to be distinctive enough that I want to experience it again.

The exhibition includes a selection of recent additions to the gallery inventory, mostly from my trip to Paris this summer. They are a diverse group and made in the 1920s through 1960s, yet all were created with an avant-garde style, ranging from Modernism to Surrealism to abstraction to conceptual portraiture. It is fascinating to see how well these works from periods gone by hold up and speak to a contemporary perspective. They were created by artists, some heralded, some lesser known, who were adding their own original expression to an ongoing discourse.

Tom Gitterman


Artists included are: Laure Albin-Guillot, Pierre Boucher, Émeric Feher, Raymond Journeaux, Francois Kollar, Helmar Lerski, Daniel Masclet, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Jean Moral, Jean Painlevé, Roger Parry, Jaroslav Rossler, Frederick Sommer, and Raoul Ubac.


More Avant-Garde
September 7 – November 2, 2024
Gitterman Gallery
3 East 66th Street, 1B
New York, NY 10065
t: 212 734 0868

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