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Geoff Green: –One Block, Brooklyn


One Block, Brooklyn – A survey depicting the essence of street life on one block in Brooklyn by the remains discarded on its sidewalks and its gutters. It is an anthropological/archaeological approach to street photography and neighborhood dynamics.

Process -­‐ The object is taken from the gutter, photographed, and printed. The final print is then taken to the street to absorb the impact of the original environment, its weather, foot, and vehicular traffic. Each print becomes a unique object.

Geoff Green is a photographer based in New York City’s West Village. His work is primarily in portraits, documentary and travel genres. his pictures have been published in: The New York Times, Der Spiegel, Chou Koron, aCurator, Art & Design (China), Photo District News among others. His advertising clients range form NYC theater companies to corporations such as TD Ameritrade and AT&T.His work is in the permanent collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Texas) and has been exhibited in New York and other cities around the country. Geoff graduated from the University of Buffalo with a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology, minor in photography. After graduation and a short stint as a waiter he landed a job with Jay Maisel learning the real business and art of photography. He was raised in Suffern, NY and moved to Manhattan as soon as he could.

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