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Gallerie d’Italia : Luca Locatelli : The Circle


2020 World Press Photo Contest winner and long time reporter for NY Mag and National Geographic, for the last ten years Luca Locatelli has been travelling around many different countries – Germany, Iceland, Italy, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland to cite a few – to document practices and stories that could shed light on that model of production and consumption known as the Circular Economy. This relatively new business model involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. As such, it is very much based on the ability of its users to share information, as well as on the availability of technological devices, including – with some paradoxical implications – AI systems, to facilitate this sharing and promote the transition to a more ecological way of living.

Curated by Elisa Medde, the exhibition gathers more than 100 photographs made by Locatelli in his research journey around Europe, along with new video works and infographics. This way, the exhibition offers insights into experimental sustainable practices and initiatives: from the world’s first high-altitude floating solar park, in Lac des Toiles, Switzerland to the system used by a company in Ría de Arousa, Spain to create a highly effective filtration system for sea impurities.

Many other great stories and initiatives devoted to the Circular Economy will be part of this remarkable exhibition, realised in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, and organised with the knowledge support from the Chicago-based Ellen MacArthur Foundation, one of the most important institutions in the world devoted to the promotion of the Circular Economy.

Curator: Elisa Medde


Luca Locatelli : The Circle
21 September 2023 – 18 February 2024
Gallerie d’Italia S. Carlo, 156
10121 Torino TO, Italy

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