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Galerie Roger-Viollet Hors les Murs x Quai de la Photo : Right Bank / Left Bank


Galerie Roger-Viollet Hors les Murs and Quai de la Photo present the Rive Droite / Rive Gauche exhibition.

From 1860 to 1960, the appearance of the two banks of the Seine was constantly evolving according to artisanal and commercial activities. Today, bicycles and pedestrians have replaced cars on the banks of the river, but at the turn of the 20th century one was more likely to come across traveling wigmakers, dog shearers, cowherds who sold freshly milked milk and quilters. who recombed the wool of the mattresses, while the horse cab drivers came to wash and water their horses. In 1900, 51 million visitors flocked to the Universal Exhibition: for seven months during which each bank of the Seine was transformed into a replica of a fantasized world of ephemeral architecture of which almost nothing remains today in the Parisian landscape. Whether by river transport of goods and construction materials or by the wine trade thanks to the ports and warehouses dedicated in Bercy, the Seine has long been one of the predominant elements of the capital. The fact remains that the banks and islands of the Seine alone contribute to the romantic image that visitors from all over the world have always had of the City of Lights.

One year after the exhibition at the Roger-Viollet Gallery, on the occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games ceremony, what better place than Quai de la Photo to put the Seine in the spotlight, to tell its story story through 85 photographs, with your feet on the river!


Rive Droite / Rive Gauche
From June 5 to September 8, 0224
opening Wednesday June 5, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Quai de la Photo
9 Port de la Gare 75013 Paris
Tél : +33 (0)7 66 43 01 18


Galerie Roger-Viollet
6 rue de Seine
75006 Paris
Tél : +33 (0)1 55 42 89 09

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