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Galerie Parallax : Florence D’elle & Estelle Lagarde : Until the end of the world


This is the second time that the Galerie Parallax brings together Florence D’elle and Estelle Lagarde for a photographic dialogue, the exhibition “Once upon a time”, offered in spring 2022, around the tale and memory of sacred places.
This new exhibition borrows its title from Wim Wenders’ film, “Until the end of the world”. and is thus described by the gallery:
And it is at the edge of the world, where it all seems to have begun, that the photographic projects of the two artists intersect. Both open enigmas, encounters, telluric forces.
Florence D’elle offers us a trip to Norway, which she experienced as a journey to her origins. The Norwegian translation of this last word gives the title of his series: “Opprinnelsen”.
To bear witness to this return to origins, Florence D’elle chose to give a fragile and delicate materiality to her images, using wet collodion to reveal them and then offering them in charcoal prints and tintypes.
With “The Pioneers” Estelle Lagarde also offers a journey into a composite country. These three territories (Iceland, Aubrac and Île d’Aix) seem to be connected to each other. Human presences, discreet and mysterious, form the bridge between nature and Humanity, uniting them in the same story. Everything, everyone are connected.


Until the end of the world
from February 22 to April 26, 2025
Galerie Parallax
3 rue des Epinaux
13100 Aix en Provence

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