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Galerie du Passage : Anne Garde : The Scarlet Room


The Galerie du Passage in Paris is presenting The Scarlet Room, an exhibition by Anne Garde, until February 15.

Photographer, it was the obvious choice that came to her very early on, when her mother gave her the famous Kodak Brownie Flash for her eleventh birthday. With a master’s degree in sociology from the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Anne Garde, after internships in the Parisian studios Arphot and Urphot, as well as studies at the Ecole du Louvre, decided to devote herself to her passion. She gave up a career as a sociologist and devoted herself to analog photography to tell the stories of the world’s cultures, “while creating, each time, a unique universe mixing reality and immediacy with its imaginary and pictorial transcription.”


Anne Garde : The Scarlet Room
until February 15, 2025
Galerie du Passage
20-26 galerie Véro-Dodat
75001 Paris.

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