Longing for elsewhere.
Photographer and writer, great traveler, Thierry Clech watches for lights and poetry of places, in search of himself.
He describes India, which he particularly likes; “We don’t know if this country emanates from a dream or a nightmare … ”
“We never know where the light comes from, from the sun they say, or from further afield, we do not know where it goes off, deep in our thoughts, under our closed eyelids, unless it does not doze off there, long enough to forget what you have seen, to go elsewhere when you open her eyes, and we do not know anything about its age either, maybe it does not have any, it flows like a river without source or mouth in all directions of the cosmos similarly devoid of beginning and end, and this perpetual shimmer undulates among the spirals of space and time, decomposes or recomposes the concentrations of atoms in an infinity shapes, so that by dint of looking in front of you, for example on the ghats of a holy city in Uttar Pradesh, a beach on the Malabar coast, or lost in a forest in Orissa, you end up by wondering one is still oneself, if we do not change into what we see, sand, water, a tree perhaps, if we do not dissolve in the sky, or in the soul of another, or the spirit of an animal, nor if you are just born, or about to die.”
Thierry Clech
Thierry Clech : Indian Lights
From June 10 to 24, 2021
Galerie Basia Embiricos
14, rue des Jardins Saint-Paul
75004 Paris